It is now one month into the new year and my birthday has officially passed. Sadly, I did not complete any more of the goals on my list of 19 Things To Do Before I Turn 19. I have decided that maybe it was a little unrealistic to complete that many things in only a year's time. So instead of creating a list of 20 Things To Do Before I Turn 20 (which by the way is a super scary thought. Only one teen birthday left. I don't want to grow up yet!!), I would create a list of things that I hope to do in my lifetime. Along with these goals, I will include a rating of how likely it is to happen.
1) Move to a big city. Top 6 cities in specific order include London, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC, Seattle. I know six is kind of a weird number but it felt wrong to leave any of these cities out. Likelihood (3.5/5)
2) Be bilingual. Already almost there with English and Spanish. We'll see if I can keep it up. Likelihood (4.5/5)
3) Be able to sight read piano. The sad thing is, I don't really know when I'm ever going to have time to practice this. Likelihood (3/5)
4) Learn to play guitar. I think guitars are beautiful. Same concerns as the piano goal. Likelihood (3.5/5)
5) Get a tattoo. Haven't really had any amazing ideas for this yet. I guess nothing has really impacted my life enough for me to get a tattoo about it so far. Still waiting. Likelihood (1.5/5)
6) Backpack across Europe. Don't know when this is going to happen or who with but I'm dying to see the world, especially Europe. I better invest in lots of safety devices though or I'll end up like that girl in Taken. Likelihood (3.5/5)
7) Adopt animals from the Humane Society. I am a huge animal lover. My life would be so different if I never had pets growing up. I'm a softy for softies. Likelihood (5/5)
8) Skydive. I am sooo afraid of heights. Like a lot. I would love to be able to conquer a fear someday. Likelihood (1/5)
9) Find a charity to support. I love helping people and giving back to the amazing world I live in. Likelihood (4.5/5)
10) Run a marathon. I already love running as it is. I have completed many 5Ks and one half marathon. Likelihood (3.5/5)
11) Become a vegetarian. Like I said, I am an animal lover. Eating meat makes me feel upset. I know many people argue that animals were put on the earth for eating but I can't help that it makes me sad and I believe everyone should be happy in their own life. Hopefully I will become less picky of an eater someday and be able to create a diet of non-meat items. Likelihood (3/5)
12) Learn to knit. I love sweaters. I love scarves. I love being crafty. I just need to get some free time to sit down and figure it out completely. Likelihood (4/5)
13) See Aurora Borealis. I think these natural lights are just beautiful and like to think the pictures I see don't do the real sight of them justice. Likelihood (2.5/5)
14) Learn to snow ski. I have ALWAYS wanted to do this. Still hasn't happened yet. I need to find an outdoorsy boy who has the patience to teach me such things. Likelihood (3.5/5)
These are the best things I could come up with as of right now. Of course I hope to do typical things like get married, have children, be debt free, and just overall live a happy life but I thought I would specify the goals that make me my own person. I'll keep you posted on their status.
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