Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Italy to Spain, Day Twenty-Three

I remember saying on the last night we had in Rome how other than the bad stuff we had to get through in the beginning of the trip, we had a really amazing time and thought it was smooth sailing from there, but apparently I was wrong. So the previous day, I had arranged for a cab to come pick us up at 6 a.m. to take us to the airport since our flight was at 8:45 that morning (side note: today's palabra del dia is "temprano" which means "early". Our flight was too temprano for my taste). Well, if you know me at all, you know that I'm not much of a morning person, so I waited until like 5:40 to roll out of bed and started doing the bare minimum to get ready. The cab company calls me at 5:50 to tell me that the cab is already outside our hostel, so I start freaking out that the cab is going to leave without us and quickly finish getting myself ready, grab my carry on and purse, and run downstairs, leaving Maria to zip up the suit case we were sharing for the weekend. Well, we were told by the hostel owner just to leave our key in the room since the office wouldn't be open for us to return them at the time that we were leaving and I guess Maria forgot to grab our suitcase when she left because she walked out of our room that is a self-locking door without it. She immediately realized once she was out of the room what had happened but it was too late to do anything about it and the hostel owners were nowhere to be found. We did the only thing we could think to do and left the hostel without our bag with the hopes of contacting the hostel owner once we got back to Spain and have him ship it to us.

So this was already a rocky start to the day, but we managed to get through it. We made it safely onto our first flight, which went to our connection in Munich and then onto Madrid. It was a little early this time for beer so instead I sampled some German fare instead. I also made sure to get some German chocolate which came in a cute, collectable tin to bring back home with me.
While in the airport in Munich, I shared a pretzel and some German weiners, as the sign said. It was very good! I definitely want to go back to Germany at some point.
Our second flight had an extremely rocky landing but we made it home in one piece and had brief ride back to the flat from the metro. Once we arrived home, some story-telling commenced when we saw our host mom who wanted to know about all of the adventures we had. It was a little difficult to retell the stories of the pickpocketing and how Maria forgot our suitcase in Italy in Spanish for her, but she got the gist of what we were saying and was very concerned for us.

Fortunately, regarding our suitcase, the hostel owner responded to an email we had sent him while we were waiting in the airport in Rome and said he would be happy to take our suitcase to the post office the next day to ship it to us. So we have been surviving without makeup and some toiletries for a bit, but at least we will hopefully be seeing our belongings in the near future. The rest of the day consisted of sleeping and blogging. But mostly sleeping as you can tell from how late this blog is getting posted. All in all, it was a crazy Roman adventure. I could do without the pickpocketing issue but if I had the choice to go back to Rome, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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